Blog L342n




106: Let's Murder the Neighbors




Year of release:

Date of listening:


A harsh noise track!!! For 3 hours, so fun... The track starts with a fast sound, because of the way it cuts in and out so fast, and there are many changes in pitch and volume with this sound. Also, there is the sound of static in the background. These two main tracks change with each other in this way, and sometimes the static will louden to become louder than the fast noise, and sometimes the fast noise is louder than the static. Later, you will notice a low pitch version of the fast sound, and how the fast sound cuts in and out when this track plays behind, to create the effect of the track being lower pitch. The track introduces an electric guitar sound also at about 7 minutes, but of course its very distorted and sounds more like a computer sound than guitar because of the distortion. It can sound like human screaming also, a very weird effect but it works well with the song. Now, at about 10 minutes Lân thinks that its human screaming and not a guitar, and the effect from before was just changing between the screaming and the guitar. And ALSO, the fast sound is still happening when all of this is happening, very loudly also to create an extremely intense experience... The screaming starts to follow the pattern of the fast sound also after some time, and this reminds you of everything thats happening outside of the screaming, and also emphasises other sounds in the song. At about 20 minutes, the song starts to usestatic in the background much more, and its much more noticable than before. One thing to emphasise about this song is the intensity, you cant understand if you dont listen, but the song is ridiculously loud and intense, and everything being so harsh helps the song to feel extremely aggresive and violent. After some time the song starts to use not one, but TWO screaming tracks now, and you can hear the same track two times, with some different sounds in the background, like a deep electronic 'bleep' sometimes. Lân isnt sure when this happens, but at about 50 minutes, she noticed that the screaming had changed, and it sounded different, maybe a different voice? But also, because of the volume it was impossible to know for sure. Then, later Lân noticed that the static had changed to a more harsh static, but again its very hard to know when this happened. With lots of things in this track, its hard to know when it starts but you will notice later and not know when it happened, and this gives a strange feeling to the song. Later again, Lân noticed anew sound, this time it was electronic screeching, similar to static but much more coarse. Also, the screaming had stopped, and Lân didnt notice this and also, she didnt know when it happened. Becauase it was so hard to know what happened and when, Lân didnt feel like writing more about the song, because of this fact, so she will finish here. Its a very great track, goot to listen to and also a good length.