Blog L342n




263: Internet Handle for a Thirteen Year Old Girl




Year of release:

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One of the puzzle tracks from Bull of Heaven, this time its a pdf file and also an mp3 file with a pdf segment at the start of the file. The puzzle isnt hard but its fun to see that the file works as a pdf and also an mp3. To talk about the music, its weird, like so many Bull of Heaven songs the main part of the song is the strange drone that takes the majority of the song. However, at the start theres a different segment with a voice track and strange electronic sounds in the background. The voice track is between two girls saying something about the internet, and talking about going on the internet for the first time. The electronic sounds in the background are a little bit random but they work with the voice track, because it has a little bit of a melody. This cuts immediately into the drone after a few minutes and the drone continues for most of the song now. The drone is very strange and Lân would be here forever if she described the entire drone. Theres a change every few seconds to something different, but every time theres a low pitched sound that sounds like a very distorted voice. Sometimes you can hear a random high pitch sound in the background also, but its very quiet compared to the drone. Theres something about the drone thats similar to the theme of the first part, because of the looping nature of the drone maybe you think about computers because its a little bit mechanical, maybe intentional? Who knows. Its an interesting drone but to be honest it continues for too much time. Sometimes theres an electronic beep in the background also, something like an ECG beep, but it only happens sometimes. At about 36 minutes, the nature of the drone changes to use a different type of drone, and now its more continuous, and the drone doesnt sound like voice clips with distortion, and more like a machine. The drone is very low, like the first drone, and the drone doesnt change every few seconds, and now stays similar, with a few changes in pitch and not much else. The drone is better than the first, but the lack of changes can be a little bit boring after listening to something that changes consistently. With about 5 minutes to go, the drone fades out, and then the last part starts. It uses guitar, drums and also an electronic melody in the background. It follows an interesting pattern and its GREAT, one of the best segments in any Bull of Heaven songs, and its definitely worth listening to the whole song for this exclusively. Incredible track, but the drone pulls the rest down because of the excessive length.

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