Blog L342n




Avec Laudenum




Year of release:

Date of listening:


Lân listened to this album because it was suggested by a person from the graphics programming server today, and it was a good suggestion.
[The Atomium] - This is the first track of the album, and the longest also. To Lân, the way this song is very interesting is because of the way it feels as the song becomes more lively as the song progresses, while staying ambient. The song starts with lots of long segments of drone, but later, theres short segments with the use of a coarse but quiet noise. After about 5 minutes, the song fades out a little bit, and after, the drone comes back, but now its less coarse than before, and is now more gentle. The song starts to use guitar as a main instrument after a few minutes, and this adds lots to the relaxed sound of the song. Then, at 13 minutes, the song starts to become quiet again, but it still uses the guitar, but with different chords. This helps the song to change to the last part of the song, when theres a different instrument with the guitar. Lân isnt sure about what the instrument was, but it complemented the guitar very well. After something like 6 minutes, the song ends, very suddenly.
[Dust Breeding (1.316) +] - After The Atomium, the next track keeps the theme of low pitched drone, and uses this as the main sound of the song. This is very effective in emphasising the sounds in the last track, and in a personal opinion, it sounds great. Lân loves the low and long tone of the song. Its frequent that the tone changes, and this helps the track be less boring, and stay interesting. However, theres not alot else to say, to be honest.
[I Will Surround You] - The last song is a fine end to the album, and feels like the end of a long day in the form of a song. Its relaxing, and the long tones emphasise the feeling of the end of the day. In some ways, like the patterns of the tones, its similar to the song Starboarding by deuteronomy, from the album Pure Staircase. However its much less coarse than Starboarding, and in a personal opinion, this is a good thing because of the context of the track.
To finish, its a very nice album, but to be honest Lân doesnt see lots here. However it sounds great, but theres not much to remember for Lân.