Blog L342n




014: Upon One Pair of English Legs




Year of release:

Date of listening:


This song is a sequel to 005: A Lovely Pear, and it uses lots of similar ideas. The song starts with a guitar loop again, but its different to 005 of course. Also, the song uses a rain track in the background like 005, but again its different. This feels like the song wants to follow where 005 ended, because it uses a distorted voice track, like the end of 005. The voice track sounds like very low chanting, and this supports the instruments well to create a calm atmosphere, like 005. In the second segment of the song, after the silence at seven minutes, the rain stops, like 005, and the guitar loop continues. The voice changes too, it still sounds like chanting, but more lively than the first half. Sometimes, the song uses changes in volume and echoes in this segment, and personally, its a lovely pair. Lân thinks that it feels like being half asleep around a campfire, while there is some form of ritual happening late in the night, but you are too tired, and too far from home to understand anything. The occasional sound of bells, and the sound of crickets in the background near the end with the changing emphasises this feeling, and in Lân's opinion, it creates a unique and special experience that is very relatable to her. Then, in the last three minutes, the chanting starts to become quiterr, and then you can hear only the crickets and the guitar, and now, the ritual has started to stop and you can sleep.