Blog L342n




329: She is as the Nights are Horrible, Pt. 1




Year of release:

Date of listening:


This song focuses on guitar sounds, and the drone used is made with a guitar. The track feels like waiting, becaus ein a way, this is what you are doing when listening to the song. It feels like the song will change into something different and more intense lots of times in the song, for example when the low guitar was added at the 2 minute mark, you think that maybe the song will change, however there is no change and the song continues like this for something like 5 minutes, before changing again to just use the drone in the background exclusively, and then continues like before. At about 9 minutes, the song does this again, but it keeps the guitar chords. But this time theres change after this segment, and it starts to use other guitar sounds after this, a high pitched continuous tone that changes to become distorted in a loop, when the low guitar chords play above. The song uses distortion later also, but its used differently to create a different sound. Through the rest of the song, it uses lots of other techniques with the guitar to create different sounds and add to the melancholic atmosphere the song creates throughout. At about 20 minutes, the song starts to use a different sound to the guitar, an electronic melody, with disrotted crashing sounds in the background and after the guitar, it feels wonderful. The atmosphere and sound of the song is incredible, theres not anything eles to say about this, you need to listen to the song to understand. The song changes back to the guitar from the start with 6 minutes to go, and then continues like this to the end, and this is a perfect way to end the song, taking the listener back to the start when nothing was changing as a form of change. Wonderful track, would listen again.